
At BrunchFusion, we want to be clear about what you can expect when you visit our site and read our reviews. This disclaimer is here to help you understand that our content is based on personal experiences and opinions, and that your experience might be different.

Everything you read on BrunchFusion.com is based on what we personally experienced when we visited different locations. We try the food, check out the atmosphere, and then share our thoughts with you. But keep in mind, everyone has different tastes. What we enjoy might not be what you enjoy, and that’s okay.
You might love a place we weren’t crazy about, or you might not enjoy a brunch spot that we rave about. It’s all about personal preference.

We do our best to give you the most accurate information, like menu items, prices, and operating hours. However, restaurants change things all the time. A dish we loved might not be on the menu anymore, prices can go up or down, and hours can shift.

While we try to keep our content up to date, it’s always a good idea to double-check with the restaurant directly if you want to make sure nothing has changed since we visited.

Sometimes, we’ll include links to other websites in our posts. These might be links to the restaurant’s website, a map, or something else we think is useful. These links are just there for your convenience. We don’t have any control over what’s on those other websites, and we’re not responsible for anything that happens if you visit them. Make sure to check out their privacy policies and terms if you’re concerned about how they handle your information.

We’re all about food, but we’re not doctors or health experts. When we share our experiences with different dishes, it’s based on what we tasted and enjoyed. If you have any food allergies, dietary restrictions, or other health concerns, it’s important to check with the restaurant staff before ordering.

We’re not responsible for any health issues that might come up if you visit a location we’ve reviewed.
If you have any questions about this disclaimer, or anything else related to BrunchFusion, feel free to reach out to us. We’re here to help and happy to answer any questions you might have.